Zombie movies

Saturday, April 22, 2006

#34 Zombi 3 1988

Did you miss me? Netfux has not been nice to me this week.

Another Italian zombie movie. Oddly enough, there were no topless women. Go figure. It was not very good. Make up was bad, dubbing was bad, acting was bad. The zombies were extra bad because rather than just attacking like a starving animal they would fight like a person. Sometimes they used weapons, which I disapprove of zombies doing. To top it off, some of them spoke.

The military tries to create a biological weapon called, Death1. After burning the body of one of the failed experiments, the ashes fill the air with a mutated version of the virus which then infects area birds. The birds in turn infect people they attack and the zombie horde is born.



Blogger Shalar said...

I would say the use of weapons makes them fall way too high on the CAC, even more than Gage in 'Semetary.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Kristina said...

"We had an awful good time. Now I want to play with you."

Shalar, I'm sure you'd want me to point out to you in a semi-public forum like this that you are misspelling Sematary. xoxo

Welcome back, Todd! Yay.

11:41 PM  

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