Zombie movies

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Zombies, Lions and Umbrellas

Someone asked me the other day if all zombies were evil. My response was basically "Are lions evil?" Sure zombies kill and eat people. But lions kill and eat all sorts of other animals, including people. That just means they are higher on the food chain, but not evil.

Evil to me has to have some sort of malevolent intent behind it. The lion isn't attacking the wildebeest in order to see how much pain and suffering it can cause. It is attacking the wildebeest for food. So is the zombie. That is its nature.

Now having said that, sometimes a zombie is being controlled by an person or entity. That person may be evil and have malevolent intentions. A person can do evil with an umbrella, but the umbrella itself is not evil. It is merely a tool of the evil person. Zombies can be the tool of an evil person.

So in conclusion zombies, lions and umbrellas are not evil.


Blogger Shalar said...

You should be a lobbyist for the NRA!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Scarecrowink said...

I am the Goodwill Embassador for the NZA. Our motto is "You can have my zombie when you pry it from my gnawed off hand."

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So -- zombies don't kill people; zombies' appetites kill people?

2:51 PM  
Blogger Scarecrowink said...

Oh zombies definitely kill people. That is their nature. But that in itself is not evil. If they are doing it out of hunger then they are lionesque. If they are being controlled then they are umbrellic.

Man I love making new words.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Shalar said...

Came across this project: http://electricbiscuitonline.blogspot.com/2005/10/dawn-of-knitted-dead.html

1:43 PM  

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