Zombie movies

Friday, May 12, 2006

#45 Zombie Doom 1999

Once in a generation a movie comes along that is so spectacular, with a storyline so well written and acting beyond that of most critically acclaimed actors, that words simply fail to describe just how awesome the movie truly is. This is not that movie. This movie sucked. Sucked more than any movie I have ever seen. If you are really into cheap ass gore then you might enjoy it.

When three men in a disabled boat find their way to an island, they are surprised by a camp of vicious killers wearing metal masks. They are led by "The Meister" who is trying to create an army of zombie killers. The men are hunted along with one of the killers who failed his initiation ritual. Turns out he is a ninja and they meet up with two of his ninja pals. The ninjas go back for revenge and destroy all of the killers.



Blogger Kristina said...

As your friend and personal editor, I have to suggest that when you refer to cheap-ass gore, you use a hyphen as such. Cheap-ass gore = gore that is cheap-ass. Cheap ass gore = inexpensive gore that came out (or remains inside), that's right, of someone's ass. Ew. And maybe you hated this movie enough to imply that, or maybe you didn't. I just thought I'd point this out.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Scarecrowink said...

Well without being too descriptive, there is a scene involving a meat hook and a man's ass. So it could go either way in this case.

2:44 PM  

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