Zombie movies

Friday, June 02, 2006

#53 Zombie Honeymoon 2004

Miss me? Did ya?

I have been otherwise occupied and haven't been watching much lately. I still haven't watched the 2 hour finales of Lost and 24. Don't tell me how they end.

When this one started I thought it was going to be total crap. But it turned out to be an okay one.

After being attacked, by a zombie who walks out of the ocean, while on his honeymoon the vegetarian bridegroom dies for 10 minutes and then miraculously comes back to life. Things seem normal for a short while then he starts eating neighbors. The blushing bride decides to stick with him despite his recent demise. A sweet little love story with zombies.



Blogger Kristina said...

I can't resist a chance to toss out some spoilers. On the "Lost" finale: All the island-dwellers get picked up by a spaceship and are transported into the land of "24." Charlie from "Pary of Five" suddenly is tasked with doing whatever it is that Kiefer Sutherland does on his show. Meanwhile, on the finale of "24," everybody gets magically transported to the island where the "Lost" people were stranded, and Kiefer has to pretend to be Charlie from PO5. Executives and writers from ABC and Fox worked out the brilliant nuances of this switcheroo for most of the season.

2:51 AM  
Blogger Scarecrowink said...

Holy Shit you cold emotionless robot! I hope you are happy that you ruined my life and I just taped over my finales with a Spongebob marathon. Oh that is right you cannont feel happiness because your programming will not allow it.

Hey they should make a zombie vs robots movie. If I write it will you spell check it? You have a built in dictionary right?

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Built into my computer, yes. You write it and I'll use my Hollywood connections to get it produced. Sorry about the spoilers, I meant to just say "the finales are really good!" but before I knew it I had diarrhea of the fingers.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Kristina said...

Holy crap! I made a typo in my spoilers entry and you didn't even mock me for it! "Pary of Five," goodness. Of course, I was posting in the middle of the night ...

2:03 PM  

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